Raseborg Tourist Information

Raseborg Tourist Services

Open Mon-Fri at 9-16, via e-mail, phone and Messenger.
You can e-mail us at: tourist.office@raseborg.fi
Telephone +358 19 289 2010

Raseborg Tourist Services provides:

– Tips and recommendations about accommodation, restaurants, activities and events in the Raseborg region.
– Tourist maps of the area.

Staff & contact information

Anna Olin

Tourism Manager

+358 19 289 2012

- Head of tourism-related matters and development projects
- International co-operation & media visits & enquiries
- Local and regional co-operation and development
- Representative in tourism-related matters
- International marketing

Pia Ewalds

Tourism coordinator

+358 19 289 2013

- Customer service tourism
- Event calendar
- Web editor visitraseborg.com
- Social media Visit Raseborg (IG, FB)

- Tourist office & customer service